Hooma Comedy, bringing the best in comedy circuit favourites, local up and coming talent and everyone in between
— 29 Nov / 5 Dec / 16 Dec / 21 Dec / 31 Dec

Comedy Tickets Only

Need some Christmas Cheer? Hooma Comedy, bring’s comedy circuit favourites, local up and coming talent and everyone in between. 

Dining may not be available unless booked in advance, see below.

Tickets Here

Fri 29 Nov, doors open 7.30pm, show starts 8pm 

Thu 5 Dec, doors open 7.30pm, show starts 8pm 

Mon 16 Dec, doors open 7.30pm, show starts 8pm  

Sat 21 Dec, doors open 7.30pm, show starts 8pm 

NYE, doors open 7pm, show starts 7.30pm 

Dine First, Laugh Later

£25pp / Dine + Comedy / Min 6 persons

Feast on our delicious xmas menu with huge bowls of delicious Christmas classics and BoHo faves followed by a night of Comedy.

Menu Here.

Tickets on sale soon!


On a budget or want to add something for after the Comedy? Well, check out our offers that could make your party just that more special.